Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is a legally binding agreement between you (“User”, “you” or “your”) and xEscrow (referred to as "we," "us," or "our"). It outlines the collection, storage, usage, and sharing (referred to as "processing") of your information when you interact with our services ("Services") or (“Portal”) or (“Site”). For instance, when you

§  Visit our website at or any of our websites linked to this Privacy Policy.

§  Downloading and using our mobile app or any other apps related to our Privacy Policy.

§  Take part in any other related activities, such as sales, marketing, or events.

This Policy is aligned with the Personal Data Protection Law (‘’Law”) applicable in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. If you have any questions or concerns, please read this Privacy Policy to learn about your privacy rights and options. If you do not agree with our rules and procedures, we respectfully request that you not use our Services. If you have any further questions or issues, please contact us at

1.      Information Collection

You can use the Portal anonymously, without disclosing personal information. However, to access certain features, providing personal data may be necessary. Opting not to share this information may limit your access to specific features. Users unsure about mandatory information can contact us.

The collection of personal data aligns with the Portal's purpose and complies with relevant regulations. Methods of collection are transparent, secure, and tailored to user circumstances. If collected data becomes unnecessary, the Portal promptly destroys it.

Before collecting personal data, the Portal ensures:

- Justification for collection.

- Clarification on the mandatory or optional nature of data collection.

- Identity and contact information of the data collector (unless for security purposes).

- Disclosure recipients and information on data transfer or processing outside the Kingdom.

- Awareness of potential consequences and risks of non-compliance with data collection procedures.

- Highlighting privacy and data protection rights under the Law.

- Inclusion of other elements as specified by regulations based on the entity's activity nature.

If collecting personal data from non-users, conditions include:

- Agreement in accordance with legal provisions.

- Publicly available data or collected from a public source.

- Collection by a public entity for security purposes, system implementation, or judicial requirements.

- Prohibition compliance if it may harm the data owner or affect vital interests, per regulations.

- Necessity for protecting health, public safety, or individual lives.

- Assurance that data is not stored in a format directly or indirectly identifying its owner.

2.      Sensitive data handling:

We refrain from processing sensitive information.

3.      Data Payment.

If you make purchases, we might gather information about you that we need to process your payment, like your payment instrument number and security code.

4.      Data Application:

When you grant us access or permission, our application(s) may collect the following data:

- Geolocation Data: For location-related services, we may request access to track location-based data from your mobile device.

- Mobile Device Access: Certain features of your mobile device, such as calendar, camera, social media accounts, and more, may be subject to access requests.

- Mobile Device Information: Automatic collection of device details, operating system specifics, and other relevant data when using our application(s).

- Push Notifications: Permission may be sought to deliver push notifications related to your account or application features.

This data is crucial for application security, functionality, diagnostics, and internal analytics. Ensure that provided personal information remains accurate, and any changes are promptly communicated.

5.      Automatic Data Collection

When accessing our Services, certain data (e.g., IP address, browser details) is automatically gathered for security, functionality, and internal analytics. This data is non-identifying but includes device and usage details.

We use cookies and similar technologies following industry practices for data collection.

6.      Collected Information

The gathered information includes:

- Log and Usage Data: Service-related, diagnostic, usage, and performance information automatically collected during your interactions with our Services.

- Device Information: Details about the device used, including IP address, location data, browser type, and operating system.

- Location Data: Information about your device's location, collected based on settings and device type

7.      Data Sourced from External Channels

We may obtain limited data from public databases, marketing associates, and other external sources to enhance marketing content, offers, and services, ensuring accurate records. This may include mailing addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, and social media profiles obtained from third-party entities for targeted advertising and event promotion.

8.      Data Processing Procedures

We meticulously handle your data to effectively deliver, improve, and manage our Services, engage with you, ensure security, deter fraud, and comply with legal requirements. Additional processing of your data for specific purposes may occur with your explicit consent.

Your personal data is processed for diverse purposes, depending on your interactions with our Services, encompassing:

- Account Creation and Management: Your data is processed to facilitate account setup, authentication, and general user account maintenance, enabling you to create and access your account while it remains active.

- Service Delivery: Processing your data ensures the provision of requested services and contributes to their seamless delivery.

- User Support and Inquiries: Information is utilized to address user inquiries, offer support, and resolve any issues related to the services you've utilized.

- Administrative Communications: Your information is employed to transmit crucial administrative details about our products and services, updates to our terms and policies, and other relevant notifications.

- Order Fulfillment: Data processing is undertaken to fulfill and manage orders, payments, returns, and exchanges associated with the Services.

- User-to-User Interactions: If you opt for features facilitating user-to-user communication, your data may be processed accordingly.

- Preserving Vital Interests: In situations necessitating the prevention of harm or protection of an individual's vital interests, we may process your data.

9.      Legal Basis For Processing Your Personal Data

In summary, we meticulously manage your personal data exclusively when we find it indispensable and hold a valid legal justification, commonly known as a "legal basis," as stipulated by law. This encompasses instances where your consent is obtained, legal obligations are adhered to, services are provided, contractual commitments are fulfilled, rights are protected, or legitimate business interests are pursued.

10.   Sharing Your Personal Information: When And With Whom

Your data may be shared with government officials in exceptional circumstances, but it will never be made public without your prior consent. Your personal information may be disclosed under the following circumstances:

1. Your consent in accordance with legal provisions.

2. Collection from publicly available sources.

3. Request from a public entity for security, system implementation, or judicial requirements as per regulations.

4. Necessary for public health, safety, or individual well-being, with limited subsequent processing to prevent identification.

5. No circulation, exchange, or sale to third parties without your consent.

The portal will not disclose your data under the following conditions:

1. Represents a security threat, harms the Kingdom's reputation, or conflicts with its interests.

2. Affects the Kingdom's international relations.

3. Prevents crime disclosure, infringes on fair trial rights, or compromises existing criminal proceedings.

4. Endangers individual safety.

5. Violates the privacy of individuals beyond the data owner, as defined by regulations.

6. Contrary to incomplete or incapable interests.

7. Violates established professional obligations.

8. Involves a breach of obligation, proceeding, or court ruling.

9. Discloses a confidential source in the public interest.

11.  Our Policy Towards Third-Party Websites

This policy specifically applies to this Portal. The Portal and Services may include links to external resources not owned or controlled by us. If you navigate to another website through the Portal, we recommend reviewing that site's privacy policy to understand its information security practices and privacy policies.


12.  Utilization Of Cookies And Tracking Technologies

We may utilize cookies and various tracking technologies to gather and store your information.

13.  Data Retention Duration

We keep your data for as long as necessary, as stated in this privacy notice, unless legally required otherwise. Your personal data will be retained not beyond twelve (12) months after account termination.

This Portal will retain personal data beyond the original collection purpose only in the following cases:

1. When a systemic justification necessitates retention for a specified period, it will be destroyed after this period or upon the expiry of the purpose of its collection, whichever is longer.

2. If the personal data is directly linked to a case before a judicial body, and its retention is essential for the duration of the judicial proceedings, it will be destroyed after the completion of the case's judicial proceedings.

14.  Safeguarding Your Information

Our commitment to safeguarding personal data includes respecting privacy and confidentiality, refraining from viewing it without explicit consent, except when legally mandated by the system. The information you share is stored on secure computer servers in a controlled environment, shielded from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. Employing reasonable administrative, technical, and physical safeguards, we strive to prevent unauthorized access, use, modification, and disclosure of Personal Data under our control

15.  Data Collection From Minors

We refrain from intentionally gathering information from or directing marketing efforts toward individuals under the age of 18.

If you become aware of any data we may have collected from children under 18, please contact us at

16.  Account Management:

To review, modify, or close your account, you can:

- Access your account settings and update your user profile.

- Reach out to us using the provided contact information.

Upon your request for account termination, we will deactivate or delete your account and data from our active databases. However, certain data may be retained if required by law.

17.  Regarding cookies and similar technologies

Most web browsers accept cookies by default, but you can typically configure your browser to delete or reject them. Bear in mind that this choice may impact certain features or services. You can also opt out of interest-based advertising from advertisers on our platform.

For privacy inquiries, feel free to email us at

18.  Privacy Notice Updates

This privacy notice is subject to periodic updates. The revised version will be distinguished by a "Revised" date and becomes effective upon publication. In the event of substantial changes, we will either post a notice of these modifications or directly inform you. We advise checking this notice regularly to stay abreast of how we ensure the protection of your data.

19.  Contacting us Regarding This Notice



20.  Review, Update, Or Delete Your Collected Data

In accordance with the laws applicable in your jurisdiction, you may have the right to request access to the personal information we collect, modify such data, or request its deletion. To initiate a request for reviewing, updating, or deleting your personal information, please complete and submit a Data Subject Access Request.